Subject: MSR The Recreations of a Country Author: A.K.H. Boyd Uploaded By: HOST Comp Joots Date: 10/25/2002 File: The Recreations of A Country Parson.lit (392254 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 6 Equipment: Windows computer or Pocket PC Needs: MS Reader Keywords: The Recreations of a Country Parson, A.K.H. Boyd, Second Series, Humor, Biography The Recreations of A Country Parson by A. K. H. Boyd, 1862 "One very happy circumstance in a clergyman's lot, is that he is saved from painful perplexity as regards his choice of the scene in which he is to spend his days and years. I am sorry for the man who returns from Australia with a large fortune; and with no further end in life than to settle down somewhere and enjoy it. For in most cases he has no special tie to any particular place; and he must feel very much perplexed where to go. Should any person who may read this page cherish the purpose of leaving me a hundred thousand pounds to invest in a pretty little estate, I beg that he will at once abandon such a design. He would be doing me no kindness. I should be entirely bewildered in trying to make up my mind where I should purchase the property. I should be rent asunder by conflicting visions of rich English landscape, and heathery Scottish hills: of seaside breezes, and inland meadows: of horse-chestnut avenues, and dark stern pine-woods. And after the estate had been bought, I should always be looking back and thinking I might have done better. So, on the whole, I would prefer that my reader should himself buy the estate, and bequeath it to me: and then I could soon persuade myself that it was the prettiest estate and the pleasantest neighbourhood in Britain." At keyword: Etext, you'll find thousands of interesting books.